2022 Fresh Faces Project Awards Ceremony!

We are honored to share this video from the 2022 Fresh Faces Project Annual Awards ceremony! This event was funded by our parent company Calynn Communications & Creative Inc. and has been able to maintain a completely pro bono stance since our first ceremony in 2017 with no ticket sales, nomination fees or entry fees. This video only captures a small depiction of how amazing that momentous evening was and we thank everyone who came out to show support ❤ 

We had over 30 honorees in attendance between Lifetime Achievement winners, Royal Ambassadors and Innovator awardees. We could not be more elated to have recognized and bestowed awards to the change making creatives, entrepreneurs and humanitarians. People like them foster positive progress in society. 

This year's ceremony has been covered on the front pages of The Los Angeles TribuneCosmo Press MagazineThe Washington Mail, New York Today, and JUST FAME MagazineWe thank you so much for your support of our cause!

An immense amount of gratitude goes towards the following people who made this event happen:

Decor & Catering - Damuchi Does It & Leretha Thomas

Transport - Toriano Lawrence

Photo & Video - Atoc Guthrie Bonnétt, Nikhaule Martin, Larry Miller and Lovely Arielle

Set Up & Break Down - Our Beloved Volunteers

Supplementary Footage - Our Beloved Honorees

Post Event Donations from the Galloway and Anderson families

Our Parent Company: www.caycomcreate.com


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